When I use the word support, I mean patch/hotfixes, which hasn't happened in quite a few months. I don't even care for weapon tweaks, but they should have continued patching to remove exploits/glitches. Why should I get less just because I'm using a different console? The reason we got a lot of the things "we always wanted" was because of the upgraded console, not because 3arc are so awesome and nice to us. While I do know that "what you pay for is the campaign", lets not be naive, most people buy this game because of the multiplayer, you know it, I know it, the company knows it.
Let me ask you a question: If you go to a restaurant and the waiter is very rude, obnoxious and doesn't treat you well, do you think "well, at least he brought me my food." or do you think "wow, that waiter was so rude, I'm giving him a crappy tip."?